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                               How to develop your reading Habit

 Developing a reading habit can be a great way to enrich your life experiences and learn new things. Here are some tips to help you get started:-

  1. Read for content: When you read, read for the main idea of each paragraph, along with its supporting reasons. This will help you understand the text better and retain more information
  2. Improve your reading skills: Practicing good reading skills is essential to building a reading habit. For example, look up unfamiliar words, learn to appreciate context, and become familiar with literary devices 
  3. Keep reading materials handy: Always have fresh reading material nearby. You can get subscriptions to trade or special interest magazines, or visit your local library
  4. Set goals: Set a goal to read a certain number of books each year and do your best to stick to it. You can start small with 5-10 or go all out and try to read 100
  5. Track your progress: Use an app to track your daily ritual. This will help you stay motivated and keep you accountable 


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