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Junky food and its burden

         Junky food and its burden 

 Junky food and its burden is a topic that has been discussed by many experts and researchers, as well as the general public. Junky food refers to food that is high in calories, fat, sugar, salt, or additives, but low in nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or fiber. Junky food can have negative effects on our health, our environment, and our rights.

Some of the health effects of junky food are:

  • It can cause weight gain and obesity, which increase the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
  • It can affect our mood, memory, and learning abilities, as junky food can interfere with the brain chemicals that regulate these functions
  • It can damage our teeth and gums, as junky food is often high in sugar and acid, which erode the enamel and cause cavities
  • It can disrupt our gut health, as junky food can alter the balance of bacteria in our intestines, which can lead to inflammation, digestive problems, and weakened immunity

 To reduce the burden of junky food, we need to take action at different levels, such as:

  • Individuals: We can make informed and healthy food choices, by reading the nutrition labels, following the Health Star Rating system, and avoiding junky food as much as possible. We can also cook our own meals, using fresh and local ingredients from the five food groups. We can also educate ourselves and others about the impacts of junky food, and advocate for our rights and interests.
  • Communities: We can support and participate in initiatives that promote healthy and sustainable food systems, such as urban gardens, farmers’ markets, food cooperatives, school canteens, and community kitchens. We can also create and join networks and movements that challenge the power and practices of junky food companies, and demand better policies and regulations.
  • Governments: We can hold our governments accountable for their obligations to protect and fulfill our rights to health, food, and information. We can urge them to adopt and implement measures that limit the production, distribution, and consumption of junky food, such as taxes, bans, subsidies, standards, and guidelines. We can also encourage them to invest in and support alternatives that enhance the availability, accessibility, and affordability of healthy and diverse foods.

Junky food and its burden is not a simple or isolated problem, but a complex and interconnected one. It requires a holistic and collaborative approach, involving different actors and sectors, to address it effectively and comprehensively. By doing so, we can improve our health, our environment, and our rights, and enjoy a better quality of life. 


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